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What To Do With A Deceased's Cremated Remains

October 24, 2022 • Teri Vila-Caballero

As you are probably already aware, when a loved one dies, there is a lot of stress involved and decision-making. In fact, what to do with a deceased’s cremated remains after cremation is just one of all those decisions that need to be made. It is just about your preferences and how the deceased would have wanted it before choosing cremation services North Miami, FL.

Trying to gather information on what to do with a deceased’s cremated remains can be frustrating as there are so many options to choose from. In most cases, there is no right or wrong answer. We’re going to tell you. Let’s take a look at the different options and your decision-making process.

Scattering the remains

Scattering cremated remains allow you to honor the life and memories of your loved one fittingly. It conjures up images of peaceful, remote locations across vast landscapes where the deceased can finally rest peacefully without the overbearing influence of man.

Scattering the ashes at sea is the most popular way for people to spread their loved one’s ashes, but there are plenty of other ways to perform this ritual. If you’re interested in scattering your loved one’s ashes somewhere that has meaning to them, it might be ideal to scatter their ashes on a mountain they hiked throughout their lives or scatter them at a park where they spent time with their family.

You can even scatter their ashes at any special place that means something to you and your family as well!

Bury in a cemetery

It is common for some people to choose to bury the remains in a cemetery after cremation. This practice appeals to many people who have strong religious beliefs or prefer to have their loved one interred in a cemetery instead of scattered in a different location.

Sometimes, it is just easier, especially when dealing with an already-bereaved family and a large group of people. Burial can take place within a few days, while cremated remains can be held in storage for as long as necessary.

Place in a columbarium

A columbarium is an appropriate resting place for a loved one who was laid to rest. Columbaria are places where you can honor the memory of your loved one and also reflect on the meaning of that person’s life.

The name “columbarium” comes from the Latin for “dovecote,” and there are plenty of elegant examples of dovecotes throughout history, but there is something especially fitting about a columbarium being named after doves: doves are a symbol of peace, which often comes up in memorials.

Store them at home

When ashes are kept at home, they’re usually in an urn, which can be a piece of pottery or a decorative box. They might be displayed on a mantelpiece or shelf or placed in a special location that reminds the family of their loved one. Some families honor their loved ones with a yearly memorial service, during which they display the urn and tell stories about the person who is no longer with them.

Turn them into a memorial object

A lot of people have a strong sentimental attachment to the cremated remains of their loved ones, but don’t know what to do with them.

To give your loved one’s remains more permanence and add a personal touch to any room you choose. Turn it into an accessory that you can wear every day. There are several ways you can transform cremated ashes into beautiful jewelry pieces.cremation services North Miami, FL

The first method is to make a pendant out of the ashes. A lot of companies offer services where they will take your loved one’s ashes and turn them into wearable jewelry—from rings to necklaces, earrings, and bracelets—in any design you choose. You can either have the entire piece made from your loved one’s remains or add a small portion of it to a pendant that contains other materials like clear gems or metals.

There are many people that do not know what to do with a deceased’s cremated remains. If you don’t know what to do with the remains, then it’s time to read up on the matter in order to figure out what makes sense for your situation. Cremation services North Miami, FL can help you get started on an arrangement so you can make the most of this very tricky situation.

Teri Vila-Caballero

Teri Vila-Caballero

Teri Vila-Caballero is the Pre Need Director at Ferdinand Funeral Homes & Crematory. She joined the team in 2012 to fulfill her calling to serve our community.


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