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Things You Should Know Before Choosing Cremation

October 10, 2022 • Teri Vila-Caballero

As more and more people choose cremations for themselves and their loved ones, it is a crucial decision to make. We all have the desire to express our sentiments of love after death and celebrate the life of someone who is gone from us. At the same time, with environmental concerns and rising costs, we also feel a need to save money. Cremation services Miami Beach, FL, is an increasingly popular funeral option as it allows for flexibility of choice as well as personalization.

Still, some people and their families are concerned with ensuring they have all the information they need to make an informed decision. Below is a list of things you should know before choosing cremation.

What happens during the cremation process?

Cremation is a process of reducing the human body to its basic chemical elements, gases, and minerals through extreme heat. The whole process takes anywhere from one and a half to three hours, and it leaves behind only a small amount of material that can be disposed of safely.

Cremation is usually performed in one of two ways: through direct flame combustion or with an electric cremulator.

In direct flame combustion, the body is placed into an oven—a large, enclosed chamber with a door that locks shut—and heated to temperatures above 1600 degrees Fahrenheit (or 871 degrees Celsius). The body is cremated in place within the oven. It’s left inside until all the moisture has evaporated from its tissues. After that, the body’s bones melt away while its remaining ashes cool down and become compacted.

In an electric cremulator, the body is placed into a container with a chamber of a halogen gas (like fluorine) on top of it; this helps to destroy the body’s carbon-based tissues by burning them at very high temperatures. A powerful electric current then passes through the halogen-gas chamber; this causes a spark that ignites everything inside of it and thus burns everything down to ashes.

Cremation is More Eco-Friendly

The environmental benefits of cremation are numerous. The process of cremation is much cleaner and more efficient than burial because it eliminates the need for embalming fluid, metal caskets and concrete vaults, plot preparation and upkeep, flower wreaths and wrapping paper, and headstones and gravesite maintenance.

Cremation Can Be Cheaper

Cremation is a less expensive alternative to burial. It is an option for people who want to avoid the costs of a traditional funeral, or for those looking to save money on burial expenses. This can include the cost of a casket, burial plot, and other associated expenses.

Cremation involves reducing the body to ashes through high heat and flame. The process takes place in an oven or furnace. The remains are typically placed in an urn and returned to the family for burial or interment.

In many cases, cremation is more economical than burial because it does not require embalming or a casket; however, there are some additional costs associated with cremation services as well. These include transportation fees, professional caretaker fees, cemetery fees, and preparation expenses (e.g., flowers).

You Can Still Have a Funeral or Memorial Service

Many people have the misconception that cremation means you have to have a simple memorial service. The reality is that you can still have a full-fledged funeral or memorial service for your loved one who has been cremated.

The main difference between a traditional burial and cremation is that in the former, the body is buried in its entirety and then becomes one with the earth. In cremation, however, the body is reduced to ashes and these are interred or scattered. In both cases, there are still options for having a funeral or memorial service at which family members, friends, and acquaintances can gather to pay their respects.

There Are Many Ways to Keep Your Loved One’s Remains

You can keep the ashes in an urn, which can be placed on a mantle or shelf. You can also scatter the ashes at a place that is meaningful to you and your loved one—a special spot in nature, for example. Or you can bury them at a cemetery or keep them at home. You may also want to consider creating a keepsake from the cremated remains, such as jewelry or art made from them.Cremation services Miami Beach, FL

You might have heard that there is only one legal way to dispose of cremated remains: by spreading them on top of an existing body of water, such as a lake or river. This is not true! There are many ways you can legally dispose of cremated remains.

Some people choose not to do anything with their loved ones’ ashes and instead keep them in an urn at home. Others choose to spread their loved one’s ashes at sea or scatter them somewhere meaningful—such as in nature or at a special place they shared while they were alive.

Are you looking for some peace of mind in the midst of preparing for a loved one’s end-of-life memorial? The time has come to address what’s surely on your mind: cremation services Miami Beach, FL. But before you make any decisions, reflect on the above information.

Teri Vila-Caballero

Teri Vila-Caballero

Teri Vila-Caballero is the Pre Need Director at Ferdinand Funeral Homes & Crematory. She joined the team in 2012 to fulfill her calling to serve our community.


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