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Reasons To Change Your Final Services To Cremation

August 17, 2020 • Teri Vila-Caballero

cremation services in Miami, FL

If you decided a few years back to plan out your final services, and you went with a traditional burial, you can still make changes to your plan and adjust for new things that have come up in your life. Perhaps now you think that cremation services in Miami, FL are a better fit. Here are a few reasons why you might feel that making that change is a good idea.

You Want To Pay In Advance And You Can’t Afford A Funeral

Paying for your final services ahead of time is a nice gesture for your family. It’s like a final gift you are giving to them. When you pass on, not only do they not have plans to make, but they also don’t have to worry about the payments. If you decide that you want to leave them burden free in both of those ways, you might end up changing your plans to cremation simply so you can afford to pay for the plans now. There’s nothing wrong with that at all and cremation is a perfectly honorable choice.

You’ve Learned More About Cremation

Maybe when you made your plans, you went with traditional funeral plans because that’s what you were comfortable with. But as life moves on, perhaps you’ve attended some cremation services for friends or you’ve read more about them online, in the news, or elsewhere. Once you understand more about the process, it might be the route you want to take after all. It’s not too late to make that change.

cremation services in Miami, FLYou’ve Changed Your Mind About Your Resting Place

Burial is used in about half of the deaths today so it’s certainly a valid choice. But if you change your mind about that option and decide, instead, that you want a different option, cremation will be a good change for you. Once you decide on cremation instead, the options for final resting places are wide open. You can have a loved one keep you in an urn in their home—that way if they move, you can go with them. You can have family scatter you in one or more locations. There are a variety of choices open to you when you choose cremation.

There are plenty of reasons why you might switch your traditional funeral and burial plans to cremation services in Miami, FL instead and the professionals at Ferdinand Funeral Homes & Crematory can help you. Until you pass on, it’s not too late to add, take away, or shift your plans in any way. We’re here to make sure whatever plans you have in place are the plans you really want for yourself whenever you pass on. We can help you go through the packages and information and even make customized suggestions to you once we know what you are like and what might appeal to you. You get to decide all of the details and we will support you and get them down in writing to it’s all ready.

Teri Vila-Caballero

Teri Vila-Caballero

Teri Vila-Caballero is the Pre Need Director at Ferdinand Funeral Homes & Crematory. She joined the team in 2012 to fulfill her calling to serve our community.


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