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Funeral Home

Making Family Feel Included At The Funeral Home

January 13, 2020 • Teri Vila-Caballero

funeral home in Miami, FLHave you ever walked into a funeral home in Miami, FL to attend services for a co-worker’s family member, a distant relative, or the friend of a friend and felt totally out of place? When you lose a loved one yourself, you don’t want anyone to feel that way when they attend your family member’s services. How can you make everyone feel included, even if they are on the outskirts? Here are a few tips to help you figure out a way to encompass any guest. After all, they are there to honor your loved one and support your family. You will want to respect their presence.

Designate A Greeter

When you attend a wedding, there is often someone greeting guests when they come in, perhaps at the guestbook. While you may or may not have somewhere for people to sign in at a funeral, that doesn’t mean you can’t have someone in your family greeting people as they arrive. They can show them to seats, make sure they feel comfortable and welcome, and simply say hello and thank you for coming. That’s a great way to include a family member by having them do something, but it’s also a nice way to make every guest feel welcome.

Ask For Memories

Many funerals will have a memory table so guests can see pictures of the person who passed away and remember special times with them. At a traditional funeral, usually just one person will give a eulogy. But you can make sure everyone feels included in memory-sharing by offering slips of paper and pens at the memory table. People can write down their memories and your family can share them at the reception or at another time. Everyone is welcome to participate in sharing their memories on paper, in that way.

Have Someone Clean Up Flowers

The funeral home can take care of as much or as little as you’d like. They can certainly distribute flowers you have received. However, if you feel there’s a family member who is floundering and needs more inclusion than others, you might want to ask them to take care of the flowers for you. Tell them who wants what arrangement and they can make sure those people get them. Then, they can take some to your loved one’s grave and donate the rest to a local hospital or another location. Having something to do can give them the included feeling they need in the process.

When you are working with a funeral home in Miami, FL, and you want to make sure everyone feels as included as possible in your loved one’s final service, ask the professionals at Ferdinand Funeral Homes & Crematory for tips. We’re here to help you with every detail and we want all of your family to feel welcome when they arrive at the service and the whole way through. Call us at (305) 631-0001 and we’ll set up a time to talk with you in person at 2546 SW 8th St Miami, FL 33135.

Teri Vila-Caballero

Teri Vila-Caballero

Teri Vila-Caballero is the Pre Need Director at Ferdinand Funeral Homes & Crematory. She joined the team in 2012 to fulfill her calling to serve our community.


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