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Funeral Home

Funeral Home Advice On Scattering Ashes

December 16, 2019 • Teri Vila-Caballero

Once the funeral home in Coral Gables, FL you have chosen to cremate your loved one goes through with the process, you might want to honor their memory in a number of ways. A lot of people have memorial services, which can be any number of things. Some memorial services feel just like funerals, only without the casket. Others are more like celebrations of life, remembering a life well-lived. Once the memorial service is over (or in place of one complete,) lots of families choose to scatter their loved one’s ashes. This can be a nice, small, intimate ceremony in a special location. But it can also be customized in any way you’d like.

funeral home in Coral Gables, FL

Keep in mind that if you plan to scatter a loved one’s remains after cremation, you don’t have to scatter them all. You can get some smaller urns and keep a little bit for yourself or other family members. You could also get keepsake urns that people could wear. Or, you could bury the urn with the remainder of the ashes in it once you scatter a little. That way, people have a place in a cemetery to visit to remember your loved one.

If you are ready to scatter ashes, you want to make sure you do so legally so there aren’t any issues that interrupt the ceremony. If you own private property, you can do whatever you want. If the scattering is to take place on someone else’s private property, you need permission. You might also have to get permission to scatter into certain bodies of water.

The scattering can take place at any time. Some people want to do it soon after their death and subsequent cremation while others want to wait until family can gather. You could also choose a special date, like their birthday an anniversary, or a holiday they loved. Think about who you want to invite and what time of day is most pleasant during that time of year.

The ocean is one of the most common scattering locations and Floridians have great access to that location. You don’t need special permits to do that and it’s an excellent way to honor someone’s memory. If you decide to take a boat out for the scattering, make sure the charter knows it’s for a scattering.

When you are ready for cremation services, funeral homes in Coral Gables, FL can help with that process. The experts at Ferdinand Funeral Homes & Crematory also know a lot about scattering ashes as part of your mourning process after the cremation is complete. Call us at (305) 631-0001 ad we can answer your questions about what you can and cannot do and point you in the right directions. We can also provide you with special scattering urns and tubes to make the process easier, if you wish. You can visit with our funeral director for details on scattering or anything else at 2546 SW 8th St Miami, FL 33135. We want you to honor your loved one in the way you see fit.

Teri Vila-Caballero

Teri Vila-Caballero

Teri Vila-Caballero is the Pre Need Director at Ferdinand Funeral Homes & Crematory. She joined the team in 2012 to fulfill her calling to serve our community.


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