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Cremation: Your Top Questions Answered

November 28, 2022 • Teri Vila-Caballero

Cremation Services Miami Beach, FL

Are you wondering what you should consider when making decisions about cremation services? Are you interested in learning more about the process of cremation? Curious about the options you have for choosing Cremation Services Miami Beach, FL, and urns to hold your loved one’s ashes? This guide provides answers to these questions and more.

Can Relatives View The Cremation?

Approximately half of the states allow family members to visit a crematory and witness procedures before cremation. While this may seem strange for those unfamiliar with the practice, it’s quite common. It’s one more way for people to say goodbye to their loved ones before they’re gone forever, and it also helps put relatives at ease about what happens after their loved ones pass away.

Do I Need a Funeral Service Before a Cremation?

Whether or not you choose to have an actual service before or after your loved one’s cremation, there are still many ways to commemorate them in life and honor their wishes. One of our favorite ideas is what we call a “Celebration of Life.” This is when family and friends gather together after the cremation process, usually at home with food, music, and stories about the deceased. It’s an opportunity for everyone to come together in their shared grief, but also their shared love for the deceased.

How Long Does The Actual Cremation Take?

It’s hard to say how long a cremation takes because there are factors affecting the process. These include the size of the body, the condition of the body, and whether or not additional steps are necessary for the cremation to be completed. An experienced crematorium operator would know all these factors in advance, enabling them to provide an accurate estimate for a specific case.

Is Embalming Required Before Cremation?

As a general rule, no, it is not. This is because most states have laws that allow for direct cremation without embalming. This means you can have a body cremated without first having it treated with formaldehyde and other chemicals. This can save you money, but only if you plan and make your wishes known.

Embalming is used to preserve the body and make it look more presentable at the funeral or wake. However, if you are planning on having a direct cremation, then there is no need for this process.

How Long Do cremated Remains Last?Cremation Services Miami Beach, FL

Cremated remains can remain in an urn or other container for a while. However, over time, they may deteriorate due to exposure to air and moisture. The rate at which this occurs depends on various conditions including the container used, its seal, and whether it is placed in an area with high humidity or moisture content. If you want to ensure that your loved one’s remains will be preserved for as long as possible, consider sealing them in a tight container placed in an environment with low humidity and little exposure to air.

While the prospect of making memorial arrangements for your loved one can be overwhelming, it’s important to remember the people who will perform these services for you. Cremation Services Miami Beach, FL, is here to help you through this challenging process and answer any questions that you may have regarding cremation services.

Teri Vila-Caballero

Teri Vila-Caballero

Teri Vila-Caballero is the Pre Need Director at Ferdinand Funeral Homes & Crematory. She joined the team in 2012 to fulfill her calling to serve our community.


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