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Funeral Home

Benefits of Choosing an Open Casket Funeral for Your Loved One

November 22, 2021 • Teri Vila-Caballero


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It is not uncommon for the death of a loved one to be unexpected and shocking. People can still experience these emotions if their loved one has been ill or in poor health for an extended period of time. After the passing of a loved one, making final arrangements usually need to be made quickly. There are many funeral homes in North Miami, FL that can offer immediate assistance.


One thing that you will need to decide during the funeral planning process is whether or not you want to have an open-casket funeral. It is a personal choice, and the wishes that the deceased expressed during life should be taken into consideration. But, it is important to know that an open casket funeral has its upsides. Some of the benefits of choosing an open casket funeral for your loved one include:




Accepting the death of a loved one can be incredibly difficult. It is not uncommon to expect a phone call from the deceased or to see him or her walk through the door. This is especially true when the deceased was in good health and died suddenly.


An open-casket funeral can go a long way towards providing closure. When there is an open casket funeral, the death of a loved one is not abstract– the body is visible. While seeing the deceased body of a loved one can be hard, it can also be the first step towards accepting that he or she has passed. After accepting death, it is easier to begin the grieving process so one can heal.


A Chance to Say Goodbye


People can have a close relationship with someone and love them dearly, but that doesn’t mean that they see each other often. When someone passes away, especially unexpectedly, friends and family may have feelings of guilt due to the fact that they had not seen the deceased in person recently.


Choosing to have an open-casket funeral gives friends and family the opportunity to see the deceased in person and say goodbye. This can have major psychological benefits for some people, which can make a difference in the grieving process.


Comfortfuneral homes in North Miami, FL


Some people pass away after long battles with painful and debilitating diseases or illnesses. The loved ones of a person often feel deep empathy and sympathy for a loved one who is suffering. When a person passes after an extended period of dealing with a disease or illness, an open casket funeral can provide comfort and show that the deceased is at peace.


Funeral homes employ highly experienced professionals to prepare a body for an open casket funeral. At the time of an open casket funeral, the deceased will be wearing his or her favorite clothes, and cosmetics and hairstyling are used to make him or her look as nice as possible. Seeing the deceased in this state, no longer suffering or in pain, can be cathartic.


There are numerous funeral homes in North Miami, FL that offer open casket funeral services. If you’re looking for a reputable funeral home with many years of experience, contact Ferdinand Funeral Homes & Crematory today at (305)-631-0001.

Teri Vila-Caballero

Teri Vila-Caballero

Teri Vila-Caballero is the Pre Need Director at Ferdinand Funeral Homes & Crematory. She joined the team in 2012 to fulfill her calling to serve our community.


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